Oatmeal Mask For The Treatment Of Acne  

Acne, one of the most important problems facing young people, and usually spend fortunes trying to get rid of it, but it never goes, and when they start to experience something, it attracts you to experience what followed … etc.


Although the solutions may be simpler than you think, and less expensive as well, and I’ve tried to get the recipe is simple and easy to work holder to eliminate acne at home, which is really effective, and the most beautiful thing about, you’ll find most of the ingredients in your kitchen cupboard.

When it comes to acne and oily skin, the first thing you should think about it, is the oatmeal, it is one of the best items that contain anti-inflammatory, and cleaners help you get the benefits of exfoliation, and this way the holder face, which consists mostly of oats :

You’ll need:

5 drops of almond oil (to give the mixture a lovely scent, and make it more moisture)

Juice 1 \ 2 lemon (skin whitening)

1 egg white (to flatten the face)

1 tablespoon of oatmeal

1-2 tablespoons of water


Mix the batter in a large bowl, Add the water just enough to work a thick paste, apply the mask on your face and leave it for a period of 15-20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water, and see the result, Like?


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