I Have Some Small Blisters On My Fingers Gradually Swells What Causes It?  

Send us a reader says: I would like to inquire about the pills is very small from the same skin color appear on the fingers of my right hand, and start small and then grow with time to size up the pea, almost becoming like swelling burns in shape and is full of water.


Hardly disappear even show one another, what could it be? Is it in the name of scientific medicine? What is the solution with it?

Answer this question, a professor of dermatologists and infertility, said:

It is clear that the suffering of the patient is a type of eczema, which may occur as a result of the use of certain chemicals, such as printing inks, cement, or any other chemicals may be handled frequently depending on the nature of the work that he is engaged.

The treatment is through topical treatment such as the use of paints containing steroids, or taking medications that contain these compounds.


A treatment used in severe cases and late, and is required in both cases that the treatment under close medical supervision, so as to avoid and control the negative effects that may produce from the use of a cortisone excessively or inaccurate.


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