The Same Food Every Day So Bored At The End - Lose Weight  

A varied diet is desirable, but as we bring significantly more calories, says scientists

If you’ve already tried every possible diet and did not lose a pound, maybe it’s time to try something new, although no creative.

Scientists say that if we take fewer calories each day we eat the same food, reports the Daily Mail. Women who ate week pasta with cheese are consumed 100 calories less each day, according to a study at the University of Buffalo and Vermont.

The same food quickly get bored

Eating the same food every day so bored that eventually eat less. Were overweight or not, those who have a varied diet eat more calories, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

How long to eat the same thing?

The researchers compared the findings with addicts who need more and more drugs to achieve the effect and thus consuming the same food can lead to “habituation”.

However, it is not known whether this method leads to a reduction in food consumption and as long as necessary to get used. However, not before more concrete evidence of this study every day to eat pizza.


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