The Most Common Muscle Building Mistake Of Women  

The most common mistake women - is the fulfillment of the exercise “inclinations toward.” This exercise, in fact, did not provide the desired effect - expanding waist. Remember, you cannot reduce the layer of fat, pumping muscles that are underneath.

Meal after workout - Until recently it was thought that the dream - this grace period of recuperation after a day’s work. Alas, it turns out, is not quite so. For those who want to gain weight, night’s sleep - the number one enemy. It seriously slows muscle growth, since the peak body adjusts to your efforts on catabolic way.

It seems that everything should be done exactly the opposite: to break down muscle tissue to be in the afternoon, during the training, and grow at night when the muscles relax.

In fact, the night “rest” wrapped collapse all bodybuilding hopes. In the morning, you actually take in bodybuilding start anew, as all the previous 24-hour cycle went down the drain. Low anabolic hormones have not received any handicaps.

Think for yourself, the day you carefully observe diet, avoiding interruptions longer than 3 hours, and then arrange a night “hunger” for 8-12 hours - from dinner to breakfast!

You exercise till you drop, spend money on expensive supplements, and all to night liver transferred to your body catabolic “rails” agree, this is utter madness. However, that is exactly what happens to millions of ordinary lovers around the world.


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The Same Food Every Day So Bored At The End - Lose Weight

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