Muscles Growth And Disrupt Hormones  

Muscles growth and disrupt hormones - According to the functions are divided into anabolic hormones and catabolic, our hormonal system that secretes one or other of Example pendulum.

Let me explain catabolism - this is the breakdown of muscle tissue. Muscle growth is called anabolism. Both of these processes in the adult balanced. Due to this, our body and maintains a constant weight, bodybuilder doing that trying to move in the direction of the natural balance of anabolism.

Confrontation anabolic and catabolic processes in your body run around the clock. Has not been interrupted for a minute, including at night when you sleep. With the amendment that during sleep always prevail catabolic forces.

This situation is caused by genetics. Over millions of years the life of our ancestors fully accustomed to limit the size of his body and thus the need for food.

Goals brutal struggle for existence forced the human body develop powerful hormonal system, successfully preventing “enlargement” of the body.

Night sleep plays in limiting the size of ours with you a major role. It was in a dream, we find ourselves at the bottom of a deep catabolic “pit.”

The reasons for this phenomenon have long been a scientific mystery, and only recently, scientists were able to detect the main “culprit” - it was liver glycogen.

Glycogen - is stored in advance in the liver blood sugar, in other words, glucose. Glucose - the only food the brain.


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